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Giftme eGift Cards Subprocessors

To support our services, we may engage data processors with access to certain customer data. Below is information about the identity, location, and role of each subprocessor.

Subprocessor Location Purpose Privacy Policy
Customer.io USA Customer messaging and email automation Privacy Policy
Twilio USA Cloud communications platform Privacy Policy
Hcaptcha USA Bot mitigation and CAPTCHA services Privacy Policy
Sentry USA Application monitoring and error tracking Privacy Policy
Postmark USA Email delivery service Privacy Policy
Digital Ocean USA Cloud infrastructure and hosting services Privacy Policy
Usefathom USA Web analytics Privacy Policy
NetHunt USA Customer relationship management (CRM) Privacy Policy
HoneyBook USA Business management for freelancers/small businesses Privacy Policy
Google Ads USA Advertising and analytics Privacy Policy
Google Gmail USA Emails Privacy Policy
LinkedIn USA Advertising and professional networking Privacy Policy
X (formerly Twitter) USA Advertising and social media Privacy Policy
Meta (formerly Facebook) USA Advertising and social media Privacy Policy
Seon EU, Hungary Fraud prevention and risk management Privacy Policy
Gleap EU, Austria User feedback and bug reporting Privacy Policy
Crisp EU, France Customer messaging and live chat Privacy Policy
Digicel Jamaica Telecommunications and digital services Privacy Policy
First Atlantic Commerce Bermuda Payment processing Privacy Policy